A. What To Do When You Get A Request For Review

If the school district has already served you with a Notice of Intention to Seek Review and/or served you with a Request for Review, you are the Respondent.  Respondents may, but do not have to, respond to the Request for Review. 

If you have decided that you do not agree with some of the determinations made by the IHO and wish to challenge portions of the IHO's decision, you should follow the instructions below for preparing, serving and filing an "Answer with Cross-Appeal."  By making this filing, you may cross-appeal those parts of the IHO's decision with which you disagree, but ask the State Review Officer to uphold the portions of the IHO's decision that you agree with.  In most instances, a State Review Officer can only address issues that at least one of the parties has either appealed or cross-appealed.  

If you do not wish to challenge any part of the IHO's decision and only wish to oppose the district's challenges to the IHO's Decision in the Request for Review, you should not file a Cross-Appeal. Instead, you should follow the instructions for preparing an Answer in Section II of this Parent's Guide.

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